Photodiode with Selective Bidimensional Sensitivity
The photodiode with selective bidimensional sensitivity (quadrant-photodiode) elaborated on the basis of InP-InGaAsP heterostructures with InGaAsP thick wide-gap frontal layer assures selective sensitivity to l=1.06 mm for atmosphere telecommunications systems usage. The photodiode structure is divided into 6 elements: four elements having circular sector form used for determination of the incident light signal position; a circumferential guard ring, which signalizes the incident signal emission moment; an integrated central detector with small area allows to detect high-frequency optic signals.
Innovative Aspect and Main Advantages:
The simultaneous combination of selective, coordinate and high-frequency sensitivity in a single device:
- Selective photosensitivity (lD <= 70 nm);
- Determination of X and Y coordinates of received optic signals by linear characteristic, the slope of the coordinate characteristic – 6×103 V/W×mm;
- Detection of unitary optic signals with an impulse duration less than 10 ns and of more than 1 GHz.
Areas of Application:
Instrument engineering, Electronics, Military. Control and direction of moving objects.
Stage of Development:
The quadrant-photodiode was tested at:
- National Research and Development Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation, Bucharest, Romania;
- Régie Autonome « Industrial Army Group », Romania
Covered by the patent of R. Moldova MD 887 G2
Fig.1. Topology of quadrant-photodiode: 1 - four sectors for determination position of light signal, 2 - circumferential guard ring, 3- central detector.
Fig.2 Coordinates characteristics for various radius of the central detector.
Contact Details:
Technical University of Moldova
Contact persons:
Valerian DOROGAN, vice-rector
Sergiu ZAPOROJAN, department of scientific investigations
Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, 168, Stefan cel Mare Ave.
+ (373 22) 23 54 37,
+ (373 22) 23 54 05